Cashless ATM

Where self-service banking and electronic payments meet

Lower your costs and risk by going cashless

In an initiative to optimise the usage of cash in an efficient economy, government agencies have begun to encourage the reduction of cash circulation by introducing electronic payment (e-payment) instruments. For certain merchants, the high cost-of-entry for the use of these e-payment infrastructure forces them to pass these costs on to the consumers. Other merchants however, may choose to opt out from it altogether.

The Rototype Cashless ATM seeks to overcome the high cost-of-entry barriers and functions as a shared ATM, enabling customers to pay for purchases using their ATM card.

By selecting the merchant payee at the self-service machine, the total amount payable will be debited from the customer’s savings or current account, while the merchant will receive payment instantly via electronic transfer. At the same time, customers will receive a secured voucher which can be presented for their purchases, just like cash.

What is in it for your bank?

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Acquire new operating accounts

Capture merchants to participate in your bank’s shared Cashless ATM network
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Stay aligned with government initiatives

Reduce the cost of cash handling, while promoting the use of e-payments
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Create a new source of revenue

Interest gained from keeping all participating merchants’ direct deposits in your float account
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Reduce operation costs

Eliminate cash-in-transit and high insurance premium
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Zero theft

Does not retain any cash
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Build new customer loyalty

Initiate co-branding activities with your merchants

What is in it for your participating merchant?

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Secure process payment

Eliminate cash handling and does not present any opportunity for pilferage
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Use of vouchers embedded with unique QR code

QR code enables merchants to scan and identify voucher authenticity quickly
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Increase cashflow

Collected from customers' instantaneous payment transfer
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Minimise operation costs

The shared cashless ATM network eliminates fees incurred by card schemes

What is in it for your customers who use the Cashless ATM?

Enjoy better cash-terms prices

Savings that merchants obtain can be passed down to customer

Better personal safety

No need to carry large amount of cash
CJD 8000/CC

Introduce e-payments, while keeping the familiar experience of a cash dispensing ATM

RITECH Cashless ATM (CJD 8000/CC)

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